Wednesday, February 4, 2009

PUG! Thursday, February 5th at 7pm!

Hey guys!

Its PUG time again and we are starting off with a bang! Anna and Spencer of Anna and Spencer Photography are speaking about online optimization! Getting the word out there and not keeping your studio a secret!

Liana Lehman will also be there covering the latest PUG news from Pictage! I will miss you as I am traveling but can't wait to hear all about it in March!

We are back at Java Vino
579 N Highland Ave
Aatlanta GA 30307

A quick note about meeting at Java Vino! We are very fortunate to have such a cool, comfy spot to host our meetings! They are gracious hosts but we in turn need to be gracious guests!PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take a minute or two to grab some coffee, wine and or food before coming upstairs! We want it to be mutually beneficial for them to host our events so that we can be invited back again and again!
Do some networking - buy a friend a coffee too! Make sure you let them know you are with the PUG when you pay so they can easily keep track!

** Photo courtesy of Anna and Spencer's Blog! Aren't they cute!